Lithium Hindsight 360

Lithium Hindsight 360 (LH 360) is a VR prototype showing how contemporary dance and somatic movement practices can be used to portray a patient with bipolar disorder’s daily experience. It is meant to help other patients visualise how they might use motion capture and VR technologies to communicate their individual experience to non-patients. LH360 was completed in Fall 2019. Click here to view a historical timeline of the project development.

A framework for how others can produced their own VR illness narrative or pathography will also be released here in Fall 2019/Winter 2020. Patients are encouraged to contact Eugenia if they would like to share their results here for other patients and the public to view as part of a collective. It is hoped that by viewing each other’s experiences, patients can feel a sense of comfort or gain insight into their own condition. The framework is not limited to bipolar disorder but it was originally meant for that purpose. The build file for the installation version and trailers for each version can be seen below:

Click here to download the LH360 VR Prototype*

Click here for the LH360 VR Prototype user instructions

*Note: not intended for viewing on an Oculus Quest or mobile VR headset

LH360 Video Capture

Version 1 Trailer

Version 0 Trailer

WebVR Experimental Version