Lithium Hindsight 360 Instructions

  1. Download the zip file and unzip it to a location that you can remember.
  2. After setting up your VR headset of choice, double-click on the ‘LithiumHindsight360’ application file.
  3. Depending on your system, you may get another prompt window. Follow the instructions to start the application.
  4. Once inside, you will see a black space. Turn around until you see the Lithium Hindsight 360 logo.
  5. Pull the trigger button of your controller (usually placed where your index finger would rest underneath the top part of the controller). A an arrow should appear. Line it up with the circle under the logo and release the trigger.
  6. You will enter the first scene. To teleport closer, use the arrow-and-circle method to transport yourself. To interact with the figures, simply walk around, kneel down, stand up, etc.
  7. To switch to the second scene, turn away from the figures and pull the trigger button to activate the arrow. You should see a circle light up that is not next to anything. Align the arrow with the circle and release the trigger.
  8. Once you enter the second scene, you can teleport and interact with the figure the same way you did with the figures of the first scene.
  9. To exit the experience, turn away from the figure and pull the trigger button to activate the arrow. You should see a circle light up that is not next to anything. Align the arrow with the circle and release the trigger. You will be taken to the credits scene.
  10. Thank you for using Lithium Hindsight 360!